Nathalie obtained her teaching degree (MA) in English (Literature/Linguistics), Politics and Economics at the University of Konstanz, Germany. This is where she discovered her passion for language acquisition research and worked as a research assistant at the BabySpeechLab as well as the PhonLab and the Centre for Multilingualism, investigating the acquisition of the phonetic and phonological structure of language and the role of language input in early speech perception. During her time as an under-/graduate student, she further set out for a total of three research stays, joining the Infant Studies Centre at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, in order to learn more about speech and language processing in the first years of life. Her curious nature and longing for adventure have brought her to the University of Leeds. As an Early Stage Researcher in the Comm4CHILD project, her research is concerned with multimodal communication in the presence of sensory and communication asymmetries, i.e. communicative environments in which interactants do not share the same experience, skills and access to language.
Nathalie Czeke works on the research project 12. Multimodal communication among deaf and hearing interactants in the presence of sensory and communication asymmetries, supervised by Ruth Swanwick and Edward Killan.