Kristina has graduated Speech and Language Pathology at the University of Zagreb with the thesisinvestigating the relationship between the degree of hearing loss and its perceived communication consequences, socio-emotional impact and the perceived hearing aid benefit in adult users. She spent part of her studies at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal and the New Bulgarian University. In Bulgaria she did an internship as a research assistant at the Department of Cognitive Psychology and Sciences where she got interested in cognitive psychology.
After her graduation, she worked as a speech and language pathologist with various populations and different age groups. She was a project manager for the Croatian Association of the Deafblind Persons where she wrote, coordinated, supervised and evaluated projects on deafblindness. Furthermore, she was a General Chair of the International Scientific and Expert Conference focusing on language acquisition and education of deaf and deafblind children. She also worked as a general manager for Croatian Down Syndrome Association.
She has been particularly interested in hearing impairment and cognitive psychology, which is why she is excited to join this project at the University of Oslo to explore cognitive development in children with hearing impairment and deafblind children and to conduct a cognitive intervention study.
Kristina Burum works on the research project 9. Development of working memory capacity, phonological and lexical skills, and executive functions in children with hearing impairment and deafblind children, supervised by Björn Lyxell.