Irem obtained both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Audiology at the Hacettepe University, Department of Audiology. She developed an interest in auditory neuroscience as a Master’s student, and visited Germany’s Hannover Medical School and Institute of AuditoryNeuroTechnology (VIANNA) to perform her master’s thesis research. Her thesis was entitled “The Relation Between Human Cochlear Duct Length and Head Size Assessed by CBCT and MRI”. She appreciates her work as a researcher dealing with EEG in the field of auditory neuroscience. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Astrid van Wieringen and Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters, she has joined the Comm4CHILD project at the Department of Experimental ORL at KU Leuven. She will compare the cortical rearrangement in the SSD-CI children to the SSD-noCI and NH groups. Additionally, she will look at the cortical activation patterns for both ears using electroencephalography (EEG), a non-invasive technique to monitor brain activity with great temporal resolution. She enjoys taking professional photos and playing piano as her hobbies. She also likes writing fiction and traveling.
Irem Adalilar works on the research project 1. Restoring binaural hearing in children with single sided deafness, supervised by Astrid van Wieringen and Jan Wouters